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UBT (a Unique Blog for TV shows) is a web 2.0 site focuses on Chinese TV programs (shows) only. You can get any information and discuss without signing up. Everything on UBT is submitted by our users (register required). Our purpose is to make a community and database for Chinese TV.

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To every anonymous user, we'd really appreciate that you join to discuss or inform us any missing content...


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站点名称重要更正:经友人advent一针见血地指出了本站英文名称的错误语法,我们感到非常羞愧,但必须勇于接受。我们现已经将英文名称更正为了:A Unique Blog for TVripZ,缩写为UBT,以前之TUB宣布同时作废,并向对我们指出错误的友人表示感谢和敬意。还希望今后更多的朋友来指正我们工作上哪怕一丝的瑕疵。

2006-03-09 Thursday

2006-03-08 Wednesday

2006-03-07 Tuesday