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UBT (a Unique Blog for TV shows) is a web 2.0 site focuses on Chinese TV programs (shows) only. You can get any information and discuss without signing up. Everything on UBT is submitted by our users (register required). Our purpose is to make a community and database for Chinese TV.

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To every anonymous user, we'd really appreciate that you join to discuss or inform us any missing content...


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站点公告:因域名到期忘记续费,最早自15日起陆续出现域名不再解析,至17日晚当本地DNS不再解析域名时才发现忘记续费,现正积极续费恢复。我们为此次失误造成的用户无法访问表示歉意。 阅读全文 »


2006-10-18 Wednesday

2006-10-17 Tuesday