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UBT (a Unique Blog for TV shows) is a web 2.0 site focuses on Chinese TV programs (shows) only. You can get any information and discuss without signing up. Everything on UBT is submitted by our users (register required). Our purpose is to make a community and database for Chinese TV.

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东森报道:辣妈小S今(5月1日)晚终于要重返萤光幕,主持让她事业达到巅峰的《康熙来了》,到时已身为人母的小S,话题是否更劲爆,备受瞩目。此外,受欢迎的小S重掌主持棒,也让同时段的综艺、谈话性节目严阵以待,深怕收视率被话题十足的小S拉走啦。 阅读全文 »

2006-05-03 Wednesday

2006-05-02 Tuesday

2006-05-01 Monday