What is ?

UBT (a Unique Blog for TV shows) is a web 2.0 site focuses on Chinese TV programs (shows) only. You can get any information and discuss without signing up. Everything on UBT is submitted by our users (register required). Our purpose is to make a community and database for Chinese TV.

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To every anonymous user, we'd really appreciate that you join to discuss or inform us any missing content...


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公告:成立官方Group(论坛)。因为有不少会员不时要求IM联系,但IM大家用的又不一样,所以建立一个Group方便交流。 阅读全文 »

BT下载,本站推荐 µTorrent。绿色单执行文件毋须安装(仅112k大小),系统占用小。最新 1.3 版完美支持Unicode。


2005-12-11 Sunday

2005-12-10 Saturday

2005-12-09 Friday

2005-12-08 Thursday