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UBT (a Unique Blog for TV shows) is a web 2.0 site focuses on Chinese TV programs (shows) only. You can get any information and discuss without signing up. Everything on UBT is submitted by our users (register required). Our purpose is to make a community and database for Chinese TV.

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苹果台北报导:中天《全民大闷锅》今制播满一千集,昨庆祝会安排本尊与分身见面,先前因模仿丑化问题传出不和的洪都拉斯与命理师林真邑,昨被指像姊弟脸,但互动尴尬,被邰智源模仿的立委林重谟,见到分身热情寒暄,还互相交换电话表示热络。昨庆祝会郭子干模仿的立委洪秀柱、带动唱戴老师与健身教练潘若迪,邰智源模仿的林重谟,许杰辉模仿的邱毅,洪都拉斯模仿的前立委苏盈贵与林真邑,大炳模仿的谢公秉,九孔模仿的卡神杨蕙如都莅临。 阅读全文 »

2006-11-28 Tuesday

2006-11-27 Monday

2006-11-26 Sunday